Leaders as learners
Gone are the days where the leader knows everything. The days where the leader has to know everything is a thing of the past. Welcome to the NEW leadership, LEADERS AS LEARNERS! In today’s world what you knew a year ago or even six months ago is quite possibly irrelevant. The way you lead today should be different than how you led in the past. Experience transformational leadership as Tyler teaches you to become a leader who is always learning. Increase your learning, Increase your leadership!
Leaders as learnersIncrease your learning, increase your leadership!Are you stuck as a leader? Do you feel stagnant? Maybe you are a new leader wondering how to lead a team? Leaders As Learners will teach you how to get unstuck, gain momentum, and propel yourself forward as a leader. You will learn the GOL process that will allow you to rise to the occasion and become the leader you were meant to be! |
Embrace the TwitchGet out of your own way!Are you in your own way? Do you envy others that appear to always be moving forward? Do you wish you had some unique thing they have that makes them great as a person and as a leader? Tyler will teach you his proven process to get unstuck and embrace what is uniquely yours. Learn to lead by embracing the twitch! |
LEssons LearnedWhat did you learn about leadership growing up?Tyler grew up in a family of fourteen kids! There were experiences to be had and lessons to learn. Each experience and lesson learned helped him become the leader he is today. Tyler will share these experiences and lessons through his unique storytelling ability. From this keynote you will walk away with specific principles that will help you learn as you lead! |